- Eventos Cardiovasculares en la cohorte CAMARGOÁlex García Tellado, Mercedes de la Fuente, José Luis Hernández, José Manuel Olmos, Carmen García Ibarbia, Carmen Valero Díaz de LamadridSEMI 2024H Marquez de Valdecillas, Santander, SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Major osteoporotic fracture, MOF
- Use of 3D Shaper Analysis for the Assessment of Fracture Risk in a Population-based SettingK. Huininga, F. Koromani, M. Zillikens, E. van Velsen, F. RivadeneirASBMR2024 Annual meetingErasmus Medical Center, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Major osteoporotic fracture, MOF
- The use of 3D-DXA cortical and trabecular parameters in combination with areal bone mineral density better captures responders to osteoporosis drug treatmentsL. Humbert, S. Di Gregorio, L. Del Rio BarqueroASBMR2024 Annual meetingCETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Alendronate, Denosumab, Dmab, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Improving Hip Fracture Prediction in a Control-Case Study Using Mechanical Parameters of a 3D-DXA-Based Finite Element ModelE. Alizadeh, L. Del Rio Barquero, S. Di Gregorio, J. Noailly, L. HumbertASBMR2024 Annual meetingUPF, BONE STRENGTH, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Effect Of Tibolone on Cortical and Trabecular Bone In Postmenopausal Women Compared With Estrogen TherapyG.A. Cruz-Priego, P. Clark, M.A. Guagnelli, L. Humbert, S. Ortiz-Santiago, L. Castrejón-Delgado, M. A. Sánchez-RodriguezASBMR2024 Annual meetingHospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Estrogen
- The Effects of Abaloparatide on Acetabular DeLee and Charnley Zones and Femur Strength in Men with OsteoporosisC. Deak, M. Bostrom, N. Sheth, L. Humbert, K. Krohn, Y. Wang, J. BoxbergeASBMR2024 Annual meetingRadius Health, ATOM, Femur, hip, femoral, Abaloparatide, ABL
- Automated phantomless calibration of hip CT scans using artificial intelligenceM. Lopez Picazo, S. Natarajan, G. Maquer, I. Fleps, J. Bischoff, P. Favre, L. Humbert.ASBMR2024 Annual meetingZimmer, DenCT, Femur, hip, femoral
- Effect of Surgical Variability on Bone Density Assessment for Stemless Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Comparative Analysis of Patient-Specific and Standard GuidesI. Fleps, M. Lopez Picazo, G. Maquer, C. Mueri, T. Hatta, L. Humbert, J. Bischoff, P. FavreEFFORTDenCT, Humerus, humeral, shoulder
- Sensitivity Analysis of the Volume of Interest When Measuring Bone Mineral Density for Stemless Shoulder ArthroplastyI. Fleps, M. Lopez Picazo, G. Maquer, C. Mueri, T. Hatta, L. Humbert, J. Bischoff, P. FavreISTADenCT, Humerus, humeral, shoulder
- Humeral Neck Bone Mineral Density Is Systematically Affected by the Resection HeightI. Fleps, M. Lopez Picazo, G. Maquer, C. Mueri, T. Hatta, L. Humbert, J. Bischoff, P. FavreISTADenCT, Humerus, humeral, shoulder
- Modeling of Hip Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in post-menopausal women treated with romosozumabG. Adami, M. Rossini, A. Fassio, C. Benini, O. Viapiana, D. GattiECTS 2024University of Verona, Femur, hip, femoral, Romosozumab, Denosumab, Dmab
- Assessment of bone metabolism in successful pancreas-kidney transplantation recipientsT. Takayanagi, Y. Asada, Y. Yoshino, H. Sumioki, Y. Nakajima-Hasegawa, S. Kanie, I. Hiratsuka, M. Shibata, Y. Seino, A. SuzukiWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2024Fujita Health University, Femur, hip, femoral
- Nutritional and metabolic status affect muscle and bone mass in elderly Japanese type2 diabetes patientsH. Todoroki, T. Takayanagi, K. Kamimura, S. Asai, A.Harada, A. Ito, K. Iwai, H. Sumioki, M. Hatsuno, H.Koide, Y. Nakajima-Hasegawa, K. Yamaguchi, H. Shigeyasu, K. Nishida, S. Kanie, S. Fuse, R. Morikawa, Y.Asada, S. Kumon, S. Ueno, K. Okamoto, Y. Matsuo, Y. Yoshino, I. Hiratsuka, S. Sekiguchi-Ueda, A. Kakita, M. Shibata, Y. Seino, N. Hayakawa, A. SuzukiWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2024Fujita Health University, Femur, hip, femoral
- Utilidad de la 3D-DXA en la valoración del riesgo de fractura en pacientes con cirrosis hepáticaSilvana Di Gregorio, Jordi Sánchez, Ludovic Humbert, Arturo Llobell, Alba Garcia, Luis del Rio, Enrique CasadoSER 2023Parc Tauli, Sabadell, Femur, hip, femoral
- Evaluación de los cambios óseos tras diferentes técnicas de cirugía bariátrica mediante 3D-DXA F. Guerrero-Pérez, C. Gómez-Vaquero, M. Pérez-Prieto, L. Hernández-Montoliu, O.Jermakova, L. Huánuco, L. Sobrino, M. López Picazo, L. Humbert y N. VilarrasaSEEN 2023Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Femur, hip, femoral
- Estudio piloto de parámetros densitométricos óseos 3D en el periodo peritrasplante renalMaria Jesus Lloret, Saira Oritz, Silvana Di Gregorio, Cristina Canal, Carme Facundo, Sergio Romero, Daniel Montolio, Lluís Guirado, Jordi BoverSEIOMM 2023Femur, hip, femoral
- La pérdida ósea después de la cirugía bariátrica en la cadera se produce principalmente en el compartimiento trabecularCarmen Gómez Vaquero1, Mirella López Picazo, Ludovic Humbert, María Pérez-Prieto, Laura Hernández-Montoliu, Olga Jermakova, Lydia Huanuco, Fernando GuerreroPérez, Javier Osorio, Claudio Lazzara, Núria Vilarrasa. SEIOMM 2023SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Comparación de los efectos de Romosozumab y Teriparatida sobre el hueso cortical y trabecular mediante modelado 3D a partir de imágenes de DXA en mujeres posmenopáusicas en transición del tratamiento con bifosfonatosCesar Libanati, Donald Betah, Ludovic Humbert, Mary Oates, Yifei Shi, Renaud Winzenrieth, Serge Ferrari, Fumitoshi OmuraSEIOMM 2023Femur, hip, femoral, Romosozumab, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Utilidad de las medidas 3D-DXA en la evaluación de la calidad ósea en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinalMª Ángeles Vázquez-Gámez, Belén Maldonado-Pérez, Luisa Castro-Laria, Mercè Giner, Jesús Bocio-Núñez, Mirella López Picazo, Federico Argüelles-Arias, Mª José Montoya-GarcíaSEIOMM 2023SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Impaired cortical thickness at the femoral neck by 3D-DXA in type 2 diabetes patientsBeatriz García Fontana, Esther Ubago-Guisado, Enrique Moratalla-Aranda, Sheila González-Salvatierra, José Juan Gil Cosano, Cristina García-Fontana, Mirella LópezPicazo, Ludovic Humbert, Luis Gracia-Marco, Manuel Muñoz-TorresSEIOMM 2023SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Abaloparatide Increases Bone Mineral Density in Regions Corresponding to Gruen Zones 1, 2, 6, and 7 in Postmenopausal Women With OsteoporosisJames Russell Smith, Neil P. Sheth, Renaud Winzenrieth, Ludovic Humbert, Yamei Wang, John I. Boxberger, Mathias P. BostromPAOS 2023 Ortho in Indy ConferenceRadius Health, Femur, hip, femoral, Abaloparatide, ABL
- Effects of Abaloparatide or Placebo on Bone Mineral Density in Acetabular Regions Corresponding to DeLee and Charnley Zones in Postmenopausal Women With OsteoporosisJared Torkelson, Neil P. Sheth, Mathias P. Bostrom, Renaud Winzenrieth, Ludovic Humbert, Leny Pearman, John Caminis, Yamei Wang, John I. Boxberger, and Kelly KrohnPAOS 2023 Ortho in Indy ConferenceRadius Health, Femur, hip, femoral, Abaloparatide, ABL
- Chronic kidney disease is associated with lower cortical measures at proximal femur as assessed by 3D-DXA.M. Kužma, Z. Kužmová, L. Humbert, M. Lopez Picazo, J. Falat, J. Smaha, P. Jackuliak, Z. Killinger, J. Payer.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingComenius University Hospital, Femur, hip, femoral
- Use of 3D-DXA as a new tool to evaluate bone loss after bariatric surgery.C. Gomez-Vaquero, M. López Picazo, L. Humbert, M. Perez-Prieto, L. Hernandez-Montoliu, O. Jermakova, L. Huanuco, F. Guerrero-Perez, J. Osorio, L. Sobrino, N. Vilarrasa.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingBellvitge Hospital, Femur, hip, femoral
- Cortical thickness at the superior aspect of the femoral neck measured by 3D-DXA is impaired in diabetes type 2 patients.E. Ubago-Guisado, E. Moratalla-Aranda, Sheila González-Salvaterra, J. Gil-Cosano, B. García-Fontana, C. García-Fontana, M. Lopez Picazo, L. Humbert, L. Gracia-Marco, M. Muñoz-Torres.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingHospital Universitario San Cecilio, SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Improved Fracture Discrimination in Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus using DXA-derived 3D measurements of the Hip.E. Wiebe, E. Celine Schilling, D. Huscher, A. Palmowski, Z. Boyadzhieva, S. Hermann, T. Alexander, F. Hiepe, B. Muche, F. Buttgereit.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingCharité, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture
- Cortical thickness as measured by 3D-DXA is associated with prior fracture in Blacks but not Whites when controlling for age and areal BMD T-Score.R. Jain, M. Lopez Picazo, L. Humbert, T. Vokes.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingRadius Health, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Effects of Abaloparatide on Cortical and Trabecular Compartments by 3D-DXA in Men with Osteoporosis.R. Dhaliwal, J. Boxberger, Y. Wang, B. Mitlak, L. Humbert, N. Binkley.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingUniversity of Wisconsin, Femur, hip, femoral, Abaloparatide, ABL
- 3D-DXA reveals dramatic effects of burosumab on trabecular and cortical envelopes in symptomatic adults with X-linked Hypophosphatemia.R. Patki, K. Insogna, T. Carpenter, K. Murari, S. Parziale, Y. Deng, L. Humbert, M. Lopez Picazo.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingYale, Femur, hip, femoral, Burosumab
- Chronic kidney disease is associated with lower cortical measures at proximal femur as assessed by 3D-DXA.M. Kužma, Z. Kužmová, L. Humbert, M. Lopez Picazo, J. Falat, J. Smaha, P. Jackuliak, Z. Killinger, J. Payer.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingComenius University Hospital, Femur, hip, femoral
- DXA-derived 3D Parameters of the Hip Discriminate Fragility Fracture in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis.E. Wiebe, E. Celine Schilling, D. Huscher, A. Palmowski, Z. Boyadzhieva, S. Hermann, F. Buttgereit, B. Muche.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingCharité, Femur, hip, femoral
- Successful Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation Recipients Need Better Care for Osteoporosis.Y. Asada, Y. Yoshino, H. Sumioki, Y. Nakajima, S. Kanie, I. Hiratsuka, M. Shibata, T. Takayanahi, Y. Seino, A. Suzuki.ASBMR2023 Annual meetingFujita Health, Femur, hip, femoral
- Use of 3D DXA-derived measures for assessment bone structure in patients with Chronic Kidney Failure: Cross-sectional analysisM. Kužma, Z. Kužmová, L. Humbert, M. Lopez-Picazo, J. Falat, J. Smaha, P. Jackuliak, Z. Killinger, J. PayerWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2023Hospital V.interná klinika LFUK a UNB, Femur, hip, femoral
- Trabecular bone score, bone mineral density, and quantitative ultrasound measurements in the assessment of bone health in adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease: preliminary results from a single center studyM. Cortes-Berdonces, B. Arberas, S. Gerechter, M. De la Fuente, A. Vicuña, E. Jodar, F. MarinWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2023Ruber Juan Bravo, Femur, hip, femoral
- Alendronate following denosumab discontinuation in postmenopausal women: changes in areal BMD and in cortical and trabecular bone using 3D modelin from DXA imagesP. Makras, M. Yavropoulou, L. Humbert, D. Georgakopoulou, A. AnastasilakisWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2023251 Hellenic Airforce & VA General Hospital, Femur, hip, femoral, Alendronate, Denosumab, Dmab, Treatment, medication, drug
- 3D-DXA assessment of bone loss after bariatric surgeryGomez-Vaquero, M. López Picazo, L. Humbert, M.Perez-Prieto, L. Hernandez-Montoliu, O. Jermakova, L. Huanuco , F. Guerrero-Perez, J. Osorio, C. Lazzara, N. VilarrasaWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2023Bellvitge Hospital, Femur, hip, femoral
- 3D-DXA parameters in patients suffering osteoporotic fracuresS. Di Gregorio, S. Martinez Romero, M. Lopez Medina, M. Ferre Sannicolas, K. Pisco Moreira, M. L. GrubicyWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2023CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture
- 3D-DXA analysis of the effects of the anticoagulant warfarin and direct acting oral anticoagulants (DOACS) on cortical and trabecular boneJ. Z. Nalevaiko, L. Humbert, A. G. Zulato, P. D. S. Medeiros, V. Z. C. BorbaWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2023Universidade Federal do Paraná, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug
- Cortical and trabecular bone improvements with romosozumab followed by denosumab or alendronate assessed using 3D modelling from DXA images.E.M. Lewiecki, D. Betah, L. Humbert, C. Libanati, M. Oates, Y. Shi, R. Winzenrieth, S. Ferrari, F. Omura.ECTS 2023Amgen, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Romosozumab, Alendronate
- Effect of follow-on alendronate treatment of postmenopausal women discontinuing denosumab on areal BMD and on cortical and trabecular bone using 3D modeling from DXA images.P. Makras, M. Yavropoulou, L. Humbert, D Georgakopoulou, A. Anastasilakis.ECTS 2023251 Hellenic Airforce & VA General Hospital, Femur, hip, femoral, Alendronate, Denosumab, Dmab, Treatment, medication, drug
- Abaloparatide increases bone mineral density in regions corresponding to Gruen Zones 1,2,6 and 7 in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.Boxberger, J., Sheth, N., Winzenrieth, R., Humbert, L., Kostenuik, P., Wang, Y., Bostrom, M.ISCD 2023Radius Health, Femur, hip, femoral, Abaloparatide, ABL
- Effects of abaloparatide or placebo on bone mineral density in acetabular regions corresponding to DeLee and Charnley zones in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.Boxberger, J., Sheth, N., Bostrom, M. Winzenrieth, R., Humbert, L., Pearman, L., Caminis, J., Wang, Y., Krohn, K.ISCD 2023Radius Health, Femur, hip, femoral, Abaloparatide, ABL
- Intraoperative physician assessment during total hip arthroplasty correlates with DXA parameters.Martin, D., Lake, S., Behun, M., Krueger, D., Binkley, N., Hennessy, D., Nickel, B.ISCD 2023Wisconsin, Femur, hip, femoral
- Abaloparatide increases bone mineral density in regions corresponding to Gruen Zones 1, 2, 6, and 7 in postmenopausal women with osteoporosisNeil P. Sheth, Renaud Winzenrieth, Ludovic Humbert, Paul J. Kostenuik, Yamei Wang, John I. Boxberger, Mathias P. BostromHip Society Meeting 2022Radius Health, Femur, hip, femoral, Abaloparatide, ABL
- Determination of clinical thresholds for cortical and trabecular densities obtained from DXA-based 3D modelling technique in Spanish caucasian men and womenCasado Burgos E, Di Gregorio S, González Macías J, Olmos Martínez JM, Valero Diaz de la Madrid MC. Arboiro Pinel RM, Diaz Curiel M, Vázquez Gámez MA, Giner Garcia M, Montoya García MJ, Cortés-Berdonces M, Jodar Gimeno E, Barceló Bru M, Pérez Castrillón J8, García Fontana B, Muñoz Torres M, Aguado Acín P, Tornero Marín C, Sosa Henríquez M, Hawkins F, Martínez Diaz-Guerra G, Del Pino Montes J, Malouf J, Humbert L, López Picasso M, Winzenrieth R, Del Rio Barquero L.SEIOMM 2022SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- 3D-Shaper Based Finite Element Analyses as an Alternative to QCT Based Analyses for Femur Strength EstimationM. Qasim, M. Lopez Picazo, R. Winzenrieth, C. Ruiz Wills, J. Noailly, L. Del Rio, S. Di Gregorio, J. Malouf Sierra, L. HumbertASBMR2022 Annual meetingFemur, hip, femoral
- Compared with Daily Teriparatide, Cyclic Teriparatide and Raloxifene Has Favorable Effects on Proximal Femur Geometry and Regional Volumetric BMDH. Goel, R. Winzenrieth, L. Humbert, G. Borchardt, N. BinkleyASBMR2022 Annual meetingFemur, hip, femoral, Raloxifene, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Comparison of Romosozumab and Teriparatide Effects on Cortical and Trabecular Bone Using 3D Modeling From DXA Images in Postmenopausal Women Transitioning From Bisphosphonate TherapyE. Michael Lewiecki, D. Betah, L. Humbert, C. Libanati, M. Oates, Y. Shi, R. Winzenrieth, S. Ferrari, F. OmuraASBMR2022 Annual meetingFemur, hip, femoral, Romosozumab, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Cortical and Trabecular Bone Improvements With Romosozumab Followed by Denosumab or Alendronate Assessed Using 3D Modeling From DXA ImagesE. Michael Lewiecki, D. Betah, L. Humbert, C. Libanati, M. Oates, Y. Shi, R. Winzenrieth, S. Ferrari, F. OmuraASBMR2022 Annual meetingFemur, hip, femoral, Romosozumab, Alendronate, Denosumab, Dmab
- Evaluation of pharmacological treatments for osteoporosis using dxa-based 3d finite element models.Ruiz Wills, M. Qasim, R. Winzenrieth, S.Di Gregorio, L. Del Río, L. Humbert, J.NoaillyEuropean Society of BiomechanicsANDAMIO, Femur, hip, femoral, Alendronate, Denosumab, Dmab, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Effects of osteoporosis pharmacological treatments on bone strength using 3D-Shaper based finite element analyses.Qasim, M., Wills, C., Winzenrieth, R., Di Gregorio, S., Del Rio, L., Humbert, L., Noailly, J.QMSKI 2022ANDAMIO, Femur, hip, femoral
- Effects of osteoporosis drug treatments on femur strength using 3D-Shaper based finite element analyses.Qasim, M., Wills, C., Winzenrieth, R., Di Gregorio, S., Del Rio, L., Humbert, L., Noailly, J.WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2022Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug
- Effect of the anticoagulants (DOACS) on cortical and trabecular bone in the femur using DXA-based 3D modeling.Borba, V., Winzenrieth, R., Humbert, L., Nalevaiko, J., Aguilar Moreira, C.WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2022Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug
- Which are the factors that influence at hip bone 3D-DXA volumetric parametersDi Gregorio, S., Brance, L., Lopez Medina, M., Romero Martinez, S., Brun, L., Del Rio, L.WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2022Femur, hip, femoral
- Is the evaluation of 3D-DXA parameters useful in clinical practice?Di Gregorio, S., Brance, L., Romero Martinez, S., Solé Massana, C., Del Rio, L., Lopez Medina, M.WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2022Femur, hip, femoral
- Performance of Fracture Prediction with a Novel Bone Index based on 3D Modeling of the DXA hip images - JPOS Cohort StudyMasayuki Iki, & JSBMR 2021Kinki University, Femur, hip, femoral, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures, Osteoporotic fracture prediction
- Cambios locales de densidades volumétricas cortical y trabecular con la edad en población española, utilizando modelos 3D de fémur proxmial basados en dxa: proyecto seiomm - 3D-ShaperDel Rio Barquero L. , Casado Burgos E. , Di Gregorio S. , González Macias J. Olmos Martínez J. M. , Valero Diaz de Lamadrid M. C. , Arboiro Pinel R. M. Diaz Curiel M. , Vásquez Gámez M. A. , Giner García M. , Montoya García M. J. Cortés Berdonces M. , Jódar Gimeno E. , Barceló Bru M. , Pérez Castrillón J. L. García Fontana B. , Muñoz Torres M. , Aguado Acin P. , Tornero Marín C. , Sosa Henríquez M. , Hawkins F. , Martínez Diaz Guerra G. , Del Pino Montes J. Humbert L. ,Lopez Picazo M. , Winzenrieth R.SEIOMM 2021SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Efectos del tratamiento con hormona paratiroidea y alendronato, solos o en combinación, en la densidad volumétrica trabecular y cortical evaluados mediante modelos 3D-DXALopez Picazo M. , Humbert L. , Winzenrieth R. , Black D. M.SEIOMM 2021Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Alendronate
- Bone health in patients with multiple sclerosis: analysis of bone mineral density and 3D-Reconstruction of proximal femur by DXAM.R. Ulla, C. Vrech, L.R. Brun, M.L. Brance, E. Peralta Lopez, M.J Castro, F. Martos, S. Mazzini, M.A. RivoiraWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2021Femur, hip, femoral
- Heterogeneity in the cortical response to abaloparatide and teriparatide in the proximal femur by DXA-based 3D modeling.Winzenrieth R, Ominsky MS, Wang Y, Humbert L, Weiss RJASBMR2020 Annual MeetingFemur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Abaloparatide, ABL, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Comparison of hip structure analysis and 3D-Shaper® images in post-kidney transplant recipients with denosumab treatment.Yoshino Y, Tomatsu E, Sekiguchi-Ueda S, Shibata M, Takayanagi T, Toyama H, Winzenrieth R, Suzuki A, Asada YASBMR2020 Annual MeetingFemur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab
- Analysis of bone status by 3D DXA measures in patients with acromegaly or growth hormone deficiency. Muñoz-Torres M, González-Salvatierra S, García-Martín A, Avilés-Pérez MD, Moratalla-Aranda E, Becerra-García D, García-Fontana B, Gracia-Marco LASBMR2020 Annual MeetingSEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Hip structural analysis and advanced glycation end products in patients with diabetes. Olascoaga-Gómez de León A, Resendiz-Pérez P, Coronado-Zarco R, Zepeda-Mora R, Domínguez Hernández VM, Araujo-Monsalvo VM, Martínez-Cruz M, López-Reyes AG, Díaz-Díaz E, Martínez-Coria EWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020Femur, hip, femoral
- Usefulness of 3D-DXA in assessing fracture risk in 104 male patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Casado E, Del Río L, Humbert L, García-Cirera S, Rusiñol M, Gallego M, Domingo C, Gratacós JWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture
- References values of three-dimensional proximal femur parameters from bone densitometry images in healthy subjects from Argentina. Brance ML, Saravi F, Henríquez MM, Longobardi V, Zanchetta MB, Larroudé MS, Ulla MR, Matos F, Salerni H, Oliveri B, Bonanno M, Meneses NL, Di Gregorio SWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020Femur, hip, femoral
- Anatomical distribution of the differences in DXA-derived vBMD at the lumbar spine between subjects with L1 vertebra fracture and controls.López Picazo M, Bejarano López LE, Humbert L, Cons Molina FFWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020Spine, vertebra, vertebrae, lumbar, thoracic, vertebral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Spine fracture, vertebral fracture, lumbar vertebral fracture, thoracic vertebral fracture, clinical fracture
- Are vertebral 3D-DXA parameters useful to discriminate vertebral fractures? Di Gregorio S, Brance L, Solé Masana C, Lopez Medina M, Humbert L, Del Rio LWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020CETIR, Spine, vertebra, vertebrae, lumbar, thoracic, vertebral
- Hip areal BMD by DXA (aBMD) and hip volumetric BMD by 3D modeling of hip DXA (vBMD) are highly correlated in both fracture prevalent and fracture non-prevalent osteoporosis patients. Mann A, Kam C, Singh V, Winzenrieth R, Almohaya M, Kendler DWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures, Osteoporotic fracture prediction
- Differential effects of abaloparatide and teriparatide on cortical volumetric BMD and bone strength indices in the proximal femur by DXA-based 3D modeling.Winzenrieth R, Ominsky S, Wang Y, Humbert L, Weiss JWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Abaloparatide, ABL, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Differential Effects of Abaloparatide and Teriparatide on Hip Cortical Volumetric BMD by DXA-Based 3d ModelingWinzenrieth R, Ominsky MS, Wang Y, Humbert L, Weiss RJ ENDO 2020Femur, hip, femoral, Abaloparatide, ABL, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Bone mineral density and 3D DXA assessment in adult patients with a positive and negative genetic testing for hypophosphatasia compared with a healthy control groupTornero C, Coronado M, Humbert L, Garcia S, Lanchas C, Monachelo D, Mateo C, Montero A, Dominguez L, Balsa A, Agusdo P SEIOMM 2019SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Utilidad de la 3D-DXA en la valoración del riesgo de fractura en pacientes varones con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónicaCasado E, Del Río Barquero LM, Gallego M, Garcia-Cirera S, Gratacós JSEIOMM 2019SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture
- Mediciones óseas en modelos 3D de fémur proximal con DXA, en pacientes con fracturas por fragilidad.Montoya MJ, Vázquez A, Olmo FJ, Colmenero M, Jimenez D, Giner M SEIOMM 2019SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture
- Efectos del tratamiento con denosumab en 3D-DXA.Arboiro Pinel RM, Bravo Martin N, Moro Alvarez MJ, Díaz Curiel M, Andrade Poveda M, Mahillo-Fernández I, Winzenrieth RSEIOMM 2019SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab
- Evaluación densitométrica y mediante 3D-Shaper de pacientes adultos con fosfatasa alcalina baja persistente y test genético positivo y negativo para hipofosfatasia en comparación con un grupo de controles sanos.Tornero C, Coronado M, Humbert L, Garcia S, Lanchas C, Monachelo D, Mateo C, Montero A, Dominguez L, Balsa A, Agusdo P SEIOMM 2019SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Análisis tipos de fractura fémur proximal mediante mediciones óseas DXA-3DDi Gregorio S, Del Río Barquero LM, Brance L, Martinez S, Sanchez PSEIOMM 2019Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Contribución de DXA-3D en la evaluación de la afectación ósea en pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primarioGarcía-Fontana B, Gracia-Marco L, González-Salvatierra S, García-Fontana C, Moratalla Aranda E, García-Martín A, Becerra García D, Humbert L, Muñoz-Torres MSEIOMM 2019SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Local bone density defects in patients with femoral neck fracture.Del Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Martinez S, Brance L, Humbert L, Sanchez PSEIOMM 2019Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Datos de referencia de mediciones óseas en modelos 3d de fémur proximal en población español con DXA: PROYECTO SEIOMM - 3D-SHAPER.Casado Burgos E, Di Gregorio S, González Macias J, Olmos Martinez JM, Valero Diaz de la Madrid MC Arboiro Pinel RM, Diaz Curiel M, Miranda Garcia MJ, Montoya Garcia MJ, Vazquez Martinez C, Cortés-Berdonces M, Jodar Gimeno E, Barceló Bru M, Pérez Castrillon JL, García Fontana B, Muñoz Torres M, Aguado Acin P, Tornero Marin C, Sosa Henriquez M1, Hawkins F, Martinez Diaz-Guerra G, Del Pino Montes J, Humbert L, Winzenrieth R, Del Río Barquero L SEIOMM 2019SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Bone mineral density and 3d-dxa assessment in adult patients with a positive and negative genetical testing for hypophosphatasia compared with a healthy control groupTornero C, Coronado M, Humbert L, García S, Lancha C, Monachello D, Mateo C, Montero A, Dominguez L, Balsa A, Aguado PASBMR2019 Annual MeetingSEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Analysis of 2D-DXA image by 3D-SHAPER gives additional information for the treatment with denosumab in post-kidney transplant recipientsTomatsu E, Yoshino Y, Asada Y, Sekiguchi-Ueda S, Shibata M, Takayanagi T, Sugita T, Toyama H, Winzenrieth R, Suzuki AASBMR2019 Annual MeetingFemur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab
- Association between osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures and DXA-derived 3D measurements at lumbar spineLópez Picazo M, Humbert L, Di Gregorio S, Gónzalez Ballester MA, Del Río Barquero LMASBMR2019 Annual MeetingSpine, vertebra, vertebrae, lumbar, thoracic, vertebral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Spine fracture, vertebral fracture, lumbar vertebral fracture, thoracic vertebral fracture, clinical fracture
- 3D-DXA measurements in lumbar spine in patients with vertebral fracturesDi Gregorio S, Brance L, Humbert L, Del Río Barquero LMASBMR2019 Annual MeetingSpine, vertebra, vertebrae, lumbar, thoracic, vertebral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Spine fracture, vertebral fracture, lumbar vertebral fracture, thoracic vertebral fracture, clinical fracture
- Compared with Daily Teriparatide, Cycles of Teriparatide and Raloxifene Favorably Influence Hip BMD and Cortical Thickness While Comparably Increasing Spine BMD. Goel H, Krueger D, Borchardt G, Binkley NASBMR2019 Annual MeetingFemur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD, Raloxifene
- Structural Parameters of Proximal Femur by 3D Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry in Patients with Primary HyperparathyroidismGarcía-Fontana B, Gracia Marco L, González-Salvatierra S, García-Fontana C, Moratalla-Aranda E, García-Martín A, Becerra-García D, Humbert L, Muñoz-Torres MASBMR2019 Annual MeetingSEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- 3D Shape Modelling Analysis of the Hip using 3D-SHAPER Software – A Comparison Between Contralateral, Ipsilateral, and Baseline Hips for RTKR, TKR, and Control Participants Gundry M, Winzenrieth R, Ferchaud L, Knapp KM, Hopkins SJASBMR2019 Annual MeetingUniversity of Exeter Medical School, Femur, hip, femoral
- DXA-based 3D modeling using 3D-SHAPER gives additional information in post-kidney transplant patient treated with denosumabTomatsu E, Yoshino Y, Asada Y, Sekiguchi-Ueda S, Shibata M, Takayanagi T, Sugita T, Toyama H, Winzenrieth R, Suzuki AASBMR2019 Annual MeetingFujita Health Univ. Hospital, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab
- DXA-based 3D mapping of hip cortical thinning correlates with incident fractures in postmenopausal women from the GERICO cohortBiver E, Hars M, Winzenrieth R, Rizzoli R, Ferrari SASBMR2019 Annual MeetingUniversity Hospital of Geneva (HUG), Gerico cohort, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture
- The Distribution of Increases in Hip Cortical Volumetric BMD in Patients Treated with Denosumab and Bisphosphonates by 3D Modeling of Hip DXAAlmohaya M, Winzenrieth R, Kendler DWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2019University of British Columbia - Vancouver, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab, Bisphosphonates
- 3D analysis of local bone density defects in patients with femoral neck fractureDi Gregorio S, Martinez S, Brance L, Humbert L, Sanchez P, Del Río Barquero LM WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2019CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Analysis of bone structural parameters by DXA-3D in cervical and trochanteric hip fracturesDi Gregorio S, Brance ML, Martinez S, Sánchez Ortuño P, Del Río Barquero LM WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2019CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures, Treatment, medication, drug, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Association between insulin resistance (HOMA), trabecular bone score (TBS) and DXA-derived 3D measurements of the cortical and trabecular bone in nondiabetic postmenopausal women.Usategui R, Gil J, Ruiz de Temiño A, Campillo F, Humbert L, Pérez-Castrillón JLWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2019SEIOMM (center to confirm), SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- DXA-based 3D analysis of proximal femur cortical and trabecular bone for fracture risk assessment: a prospective study in postmenopausal womenBiver E, Hars M, Winzenrieth R, Rizzoli R, Ferrari SWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2019University Hospital of Geneva (HUG), Gerico cohort, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Major osteoporotic fracture, MOF, Osteoporotic fracture prediction
- Greater increases of cortical and trabecular vBMD by 3D modeling of hip DXA in patients treated with Dmab vs bisphosphonates (extension of study with 4Y monitoring)Kendler D, Almohaya M, Sami N, Winzenrieth RWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2019University of British Columbia - Vancouver, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Bisphosphonates, Denosumab, Dmab
- Trabecular and cortical bone health in postmenopausal women receiving aromatase inhibitors for early breast cancer treatment: the B-ABLE prospective cohort studyNogués X, Rodriguez R, Rodríguez-Sanz M, Winzenrieth R, Humbert L, Pineda-Moncusí M, Servitja S, Garcia-Giralt N, Martos T, Tusquets I, Martínez-García M, Rodríguez Morera R, A Dies Perez, Albanell JWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2019Hospital del Mar, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Aromatase Inhibitors, Bisphosphonates
- Estudio de la densidad mineral osea volumetrica en la cohorte CAMARGO: diferencias relacionadas con la edad y sexoValero C, Olmos JM, Castillo J, Hernández JL, Martínez J, González Macías JSEIOMM 2018H Marquez de Valdecillas, Santander, SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Evaluación de la densidad mineral ósea volumetrica de pacientes adultos con hipofosfatasia del adulto comparada con pacientes con hipofosfatasemia persistente y estudio genético HPP negativo Tornero C, Coronado M, Humbert L, Monachello D, García S, Domínguez L, Balsa A, Aguado PSEIOMM 2018La Paz, Madrid, SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Trabecular and cortical bone health in postmenopausal women receiving aromatase inhibitors for early breast cancer treatment: The B-ABLE prospective cohort studyNogués X, Rodríguez R, Winzenrieth R, Humbert L, Pineda-Moncusí M, Servitja S, García-Giralt N, Martos T, Tusquets I, Martínez-García M, Rodríguez-Morera J, Díez-Pérez A, Albanell JSEIOMM 2018Hospital del Mar, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Aromatase Inhibitors, Bisphosphonates
- Composición corporal y macro estructura de fémur proximalMontoya MJ, Váquez MA, Giner M, Zamora A, Miranda MJ, Miranda C, Serrano ML, Olmo FJ, Macías S, Colmenero MASEIOMM 2018Hospital Virgen Macarena, Sevilla, SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Medición de la DMO volumétrica con métodos de modelado 3D a partir de la DXA-3D en personas con Síndrome de DownGarcía Hoyos M, Humbert L, Sierra I, Escalante E, Riancho JA, Valero CSEIOMM 2018H Marquez de Valdecillas, Santander, SEIOMM-3D-Shaper, Femur, hip, femoral
- Can DXA-derived 3D measurements at the lumbar spine predict thoracic spine fractures?López Picazo M, Humbert L, Di Gregorio S, González Ballester MA, Del Río Barquero LMSEIOMM 2018CETIR, Spine, vertebra, vertebrae, lumbar, thoracic, vertebral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Spine fracture, vertebral fracture, lumbar vertebral fracture, thoracic vertebral fracture, clinical fracture
- Utilidad clínica de la reconstrucción 3D a partir de densitometría de cadera en pacientes con artritis reumatoide tratados con diferentes esquemas terapéuticos. Datos preliminaresBrance ML, Pons-Estel BA, Quagliato NJ, Jorfen M, Winzenrieth R, Humbert L, Del Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Brun LRAAOMM-SAO 2018Rosario, Femur, hip, femoral
- Factores estructurales óseos en fémur y masa magra evaluados por 3D-DXA en pacientes con fractura de cadera. Datos preliminares.Di Gregorio et al AAOMM-SAO 2018CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Respuesta ósea cortical y trabecular en fémur proximal de mujeres con osteoporosis tratadas con Denosumab utilizando técnicas de modelado 3D obtenidas por DXA Cons-Molina F, Bejarano L, Feuchter M, Wiluzanski D, Altieri C, Romero E, Mansur JL, Martelli Y, Humbert LAAOMM-SAO 2018Centro Investigación en Artritis y Osteoporosis, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab
- Low daily dose of glucocorticoids induces trabecular and cortical bones impairment at the femur: a 3D analysis using DXA-based modellingManasanch Berengué A, Winzenrieth R, Humbert L, Leib EASBMR 2018 Annual MeetingBurlington, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Major osteoporotic fracture, MOF, Treatment, medication, drug, Corticoïds
- Can DXA-derived 3D measurements at the lumbar spine predict thoracic spine fractures? López Picazo M, Humbert L, Di Gregorio S, González Ballester MA, Del Río Barquero LMASBMR 2018 Annual MeetingCETIR, Spine, vertebra, vertebrae, lumbar, thoracic, vertebral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Spine fracture, vertebral fracture, lumbar vertebral fracture, thoracic vertebral fracture, clinical fracture
- 3D Modelling of hip DXA indicates cortical vBMD superior efficacy of denosumab versus alendronateAlmohaya M, Sami N, Winzenrieth R, Kendler DASBMR 2018 Annual MeetingUniversity of British Columbia - Vancouver, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Bisphosphonates, Denosumab, Dmab
- Cortical and trabecular bone of patients with prevalent major osteoporotic fracture: a case-control study using DXA-based 3D modellingWinzenrieth R, Ludovic Humbert L, Leib EASBMR 2018 Annual MeetingBurlington, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Major osteoporotic fracture, MOF
- Supervised Machine Learning Techniques for Hip Fracture Prediction from DXA-based 3D Patient-Specific Femur Model Fall SimulationsGuardiola S, Ruiz C, Noailly J, Moretón J, Di Gregorio S, Humbert L, Del Río Barquero LMASBMR 2018 Annual MeetingCETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Cortical and Trabecular Bone Response in Proximal Femur from Women with Osteoporosis Treated with Denosumab or Zolendronic Acid using 3D Modelling Techniques obtained from DXACons Molina F, Feuchter M, Bejarano LE, Wiluzanski D, Altieri C, Romero Galvan EE, Mansur JL, Martelli Y, Humbert LASBMR 2018 Annual MeetingCentro Investigación en Artritis y Osteoporosis, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab
- Bone structural components and lean mass assessed by 3D-DXA in Hip Fracture PatientsDel Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Sanchez PECTS 2018CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Pedicting the risk of hip fracture from DXA-based 3D finite element simulations Ruiz Wills C, Tassani S, González Ballester MA, Humbert L, Del Río Barquero LM, Noailly JECTS 2018UPF, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Hip DXA 3D Modeling Shows Increased Cortical Bone Density after treatment with Denosumab versus Bisphosphonate in Postmenopausal WomenAlmohaya M, Sami N, Kendler D, Takher A, Robertson S, Winzenrieth RWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2018University of British Columbia - Vancouver, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab
- Analyzing the cortical and trabecular bone of the femur of patients with vertebral fractures using DXA-based 3D modelingGalich AM, Humbert L, Winzenrieth R, L Maffei, V Premrou, A Frigeri, E VegaWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2018AG densitometrías, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Spine fracture, vertebral fracture, lumbar vertebral fracture, thoracic vertebral fracture, clinical fracture
- Major Principal Stress (MPS) derived through DXA-based 3D modelling as a high predictive new variable for hip fractureRuiz Wills C, Del Río Barquero LM, Tassani S, González Ballester MA, Humbert L, Noailly J, Di Gregorio SWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2018UPF, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Cortical and Trabecular Bone Response in Proximal Femur from Women with Osteoporosis Treated with Denosumab or Zolendronic Acid using 3D Modelling Techniques Obtained from DXA.Cons Molina FF, Feuchter M, Bejarano LE, Wiluzanski D, Altieri C, Romero Galván EE, Mansur JL, Martelli Y, Humbert LPANLAR 2018Centro Investigación en Artritis y Osteoporosis, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab, Zoledronic acid
- Análisis por 3D-DXA del hueso cortical y trabecular del fémur en pacientes con fracturas previasGalich AM, Humbert L, Winzenrieth R, Maffei L, Premrou V, Frigeri A, Vega EXX Congreso SAEMAG densitometrías, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture
- Análisis por 3D-DXA del hueso cortical y trabecular del fémur en pacientes con fracturas previasGalich AM, Humbert L, Winzenrieth R, Maffei L, Premrou V, Frigeri A, Vega EAAOMM 2017AG densitometrías, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture
- Análisis de la evolución de los compartimientos cortical y trabecular en fémur proximal mediante 3D-DXA en pacientes con lesión medular.Gifre L, Humbert L, Africa Muxi, Del Río Barquero LM, Vidal J, Portell E, Monegal A, Guañabens N, Peris PSEIOMM 2017Hospital Clínic, Femur, hip, femoral
- 3D-DXA. Aplicación del análisis de elementos finitos en sujetos con fractura de cadera.Del Río Barquero LM, Ruiz C, Mancini D, Noally J, Olivares A, Di Gregorio S, Tassani S, Mártinez-Pardo S, Gregorov M, González Ballester MASEIOMM 2017CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Cortical and trabecular compartments behavior in patients under bone treatments using 3D parameters obtained from DXAWinzenrieth R, Di Gregorio S, Bonel E, Humbert L, García M, Del Río Barquero LMSEIOMM 2017CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Alendronate, Denosumab, Dmab
- Analysis of the evolution of cortical and trabecular bone compartments in the proximal femur after spinal cord injury by 3D-DXA.Gifre L, Humbert L, Muxi A, Del Río Barquero LM, Vidal J, Portell E, Monegal A, Guañabens N, Peris PASBMR 2017 Annual MeetingHospital Clínic, Femur, hip, femoral
- Volumetric Hip DXA Indicates Rapid Deterioration of Both Cortical and Trabecular Bone Compartments After Allogeneic Hematologic Stem Cell TransplantAlmohaya M, Sami N, Kendler D, Winzenrieth R, Bai N, Robertson S, Broady RASBMR 2017 Annual MeetingHospital Clínic, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Bisphosphonates, Denosumab, Dmab
- Changes in volumetric BMD and cortical thickness measured by 3D-DXA in the lumbar spine after 24 months of Denosumab treatmentLópez Picazo M, Humbert L, González Ballester MA, Del Río Barquero LM, Winzenrieth R, Di Gregorio SASBMR 2017 Annual MeetingCETIR, Spine, vertebra, vertebrae, lumbar, thoracic, vertebral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab
- Cortical and trabecular compartments behaviour in patients under bone treatments using 3D parameters obtained from DXA.Winzenrieth R, Di Gregorio S, Bonel E, Humbert L, García M, Del Río Barquero LMASBMR 2017 Annual MeetingCETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Alendronate, Denosumab, Dmab
- Analyzing the cortical and trabecular bone of the femur of patients with vertebral fractures by 3D-DXAGalich AM, Humbert L, Winzenrieth R, Maffei L, Premrou V, Frigeri A, Vega EASBMR 2017 Annual MeetingAG densitometrías, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Spine fracture, vertebral fracture, lumbar vertebral fracture, thoracic vertebral fracture, clinical fracture
- Finite Element Analysis of 3D-Shaper Femur Reconstructions to Predict Hip Fracture.Del Río Barquero LM, Ruiz C, Olivares AL, Di Gregorio S, Tassani S, Martinez-Pardo S, Gregorov M, Noailly J, González Ballester MAASBMR 2017 Annual MeetingUPF, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Analysis of the evolution of cortical and trabecular bone compartments in the proximal femur after spinal cord injury by 3D-DXAGifre L, Humbert L, Muxi A, Del Río Barquero LM, Vidal J, Portell E, Monegal A, Guañabens N, Peris PEULARHospital Clínic, Femur, hip, femoral
- Analysis of the evolution of cortical and trabecular bone compartments in the proximal femur after spinal cord injury by 3D‐DXA.Gifre L, Humbert L, Muxi A, Del Río Barquero LM, Vidal J, Portell E, Monegal A, Guañabens N, Peris PECTS 2017Hospital Clínic, Femur, hip, femoral
- Bone density, microarchitecture, and bone strength after 1 year of TDFGüerri-Fernandez R, Knobel H, Vilar J, González-Mena A, Guelar A, Humbert L, Lerma-Chipirraz E, Díez-Pérez A CROI 2017 - Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic InfectionsHospital del Mar, Femur, hip, femoral
- Bone structural components and lean mass assessed by 3D-DXA in Hip Fracture PatientsDel Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Sanchez PASBMR 2016 Annual MeetingCETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Analyzing the cortical and trabecular bone of tenofovir-treated HIV patients using 3D-DXAGüerri-Fernández R, Humbert L, Villar-García J, Fonollà R, Moro L, Mellibovsky L, Nogués X, Trenchs-Rodríguez M, Knobel H, Díez-Pérez A ASBMR 2016 Annual MeetingHospital del Mar, Femur, hip, femoral
- Medidas sobre la geometría y la densidad mineral ósea de la columna lumbar obtenidas mediante la tecnología 3D-DXAMagallón Baro A, López Picazo M, Del Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, González Ballester MA, Humbert LSEIOMM 2016CETIR, Spine, vertebra, vertebrae, lumbar, thoracic, vertebral
- Cortical and Trabecular Bone Analysis of Patients with Early Breast Cancer under Aromatase Inhibitors, B-ABLE Cohort, using 3D-DXA: a Longitudinal StudyNogués X, Humbert L, Rodriguez-Sanz M, Servitja S, Garcia-Giralt N, Garrigos L, Rodriguez-Morera J, Mellibovsky L, Martinez-Garcia M, Fonollá R, Martelli Y, Romera J, Diez-Perez A, Tusquets IWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2016Hospital del Mar, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Bisphosphonates, Aromatase Inhibitors
- Cortical and Trabecular Bone Analysis of Patients with High Bone Mass from the BARCOS Cohort using 3D-DXA: A Case–Control Study Rodriguez-Morera J, Humbert L, Fonollá R, Romera J, Oanea M, González-Lizaran A, Diez-Perez A, Nogués X, Mellibovsky LWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2016CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral
- Cortical and trabecular bone analysis with 3D-DXA in patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Long Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in adults (LADA) and healthy controls: a preliminary reportGuagnelli MA, Gomez-Diaz RA, Wacher N, Humbert L, Martelli Y, González-Castelan G,Clark PWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2016HIM, Femur, hip, femoral
- Cortical and trabecular bone analysis of professional dancers using 3D-DXA: a case–control studyAmorim T, Humbert L, Fonollá R, Flouris AD, Metsios GD, Maia J, Wyon M, Koutedakis YWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2016University of Porto, Femur, hip, femoral
- Cortical and Trabecular Bone Analysis of Hip Fracture Patients using 3D-DXABagué A, Del Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Martelli Y, González Ballester MA, Humbert LASBMR 2015 Annual MeetingCETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Cortical and Trabecular Bone Mineral Content changes at the Proximal Femur assessed by 3D-DXA after PTH (1-84) treatmentMalouf J, Fonollà Navarro R, Martelli Y, Del Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Humbert LWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2015Hospital Sant Pau, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Cortical and Trabecular Bone Analysis of Patients with Hip Fracture and Controls using 3D-DXAHumbert L, Bagué A, Di Gregorio S, Martelli Y, González Ballester MA, del Río Barquero LMWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2015CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Volumetric Bone Mineral Content changes assessed by 3D-DXA after two years of Denosumab TreatmentDel Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Martelli Y, Humbert LWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2015CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Denosumab, Dmab
- Cambios en el contenido mineral óseo cortical y trabecular en el fémur proximal evaluados por 3D-DXA tras tratamiento con PTH (1-84)Malouf J, Magallares B, Fonollà Navarro R, Martelli Y, Marin AM, Herrera S, Del Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Humbert LSEIOMM 2015Hospital Sant Pau, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Teriparatide, PTH, TPTD
- Volumetric Bone Mineral Content changes assessed by 3D-DXA after two years of Alendronate TreatmentDel Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Humbert L, Martelli YASBMR 2014 Annual MeetingCETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Alendronate
- Discrimination of hip fracture in postmenopausal women using a 3D reconstruction method from 2D DXABagué A, del Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Martelli Y, Sevillano X, González Ballester MA, Humbert LWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2014CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Cambios de densidad mineral ósea volumétrica tras dos años de tratamiento con Alendronato evaluado por 3D-DXADel Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Humbert L, Martelli YSEIOMM 2014CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Treatment, medication, drug, Alendronate
- Discrimination of Hip Fracture event using a 3D reconstruction method from 2D DXA. A case control studyBagué A, del Río Barquero LM, Di Gregorio S, Martelli Y, Sevillano X, González Ballester MA, Humbert LCARS 2014CETIR, Femur, hip, femoral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Hip fracture, femoral fracture, femoral neck fracture, trochanteric hip fractures, cervical hip fractures
- Vertebral Fracture Risk using a 3D Reconstruction Method from DXA Humbert L, Di Gregorio S, Martelli Y, Aguilar R, Fernández J, Valls J, del Río Barquero LMWCO-IOF-ESCEO 2015CETIR, Spine, vertebra, vertebrae, lumbar, thoracic, vertebral, Fracture, osteoporotic fracture, fragility fracture, Spine fracture, vertebral fracture, lumbar vertebral fracture, thoracic vertebral fracture, clinical fracture